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My Little Guy ~See Shel's Photography - Saskatoon Photographer~

>> Sunday, April 17, 2011

Once in a while I actually do get around to photographing my own sweeties. ;) And more than once in awhile it involves some sort of bribe --- there's got to be some sort of perk right?

So without further adiu - my darling little "baby boy"! (anyone know a secret to stop them from growing so fast!?)

In the land of Shelen - I'm alive and kicking - and so is the baby in my belly - pretty sure I'm growing the next kung fu panda in there! Time is FLYING by - I can't really believe that in 3 months I'll have my own sweet baby to snuggle (and photograph once or twice.....or 23 times).  For the most part it's been a pretty great pregnancy, a few little issues here or there but I'm "taking it easy" and it seems to be working! :)

I would like to take a moment to thank my clients, family and friends for all of their support and kind words over the years - I am truly blessed and thankful you let me into your lives, let me snuggle your babies and watch your families grow - it is a huge highlight in my life to see the teeny babies go from sleeping (or not sleeping) newborns to full on walking, talking children!

I have a huge list of "post baby belly" ideas that I am just ITCHING to try and run with - I am very excited to get back into the full swing of things after the baby comes - I can't wait to share all of the ideas - there's a lot of fun things coming up!  (I AM returning - cross my heart!)

So again thank you! I'm looking forward to the next 2 months of sessions --- and really looking forward to my maternity leave. :)


Chantel Wednesday, April 20, 2011  

Aww, he's adorable! Only 3 more months?? So exciting! I hope everything goes well!

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