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My Little Monkey ~See Shel's Photography

>> Monday, June 25, 2012

I get asked all the time if I photograph my own children ---- anyone who has ever tried to take their own children's portrait knows the amazing fun that comes along with it!  You know how your children will often behave better at school for the teacher than they do at home? The same thing sort of applies here as well ---- they'll often take better photos for someone else than you ;)  I'm guessing because it's just not a novelty being in the studio anymore LOL!

I took my sweet monkey in again today --- she is the inspiration for my little monkey sessions -- we've done them 2 other times with her as well -- once at 4 months, then 6 months and now again at 10 months ---- I could have used another pair (or 2!) or hands -- she was OUTTA there instantly -- wanted NOTHING to do with the tutu so we went with plan B --- box her in! ;)

Saskatoon Photographer


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